
Gems from around the internet.


A headless, open source, framework-agnostic and extendable rich text editor.


A JavaScript / TypeScript full-stack web app generator.


An open source Airtable alternative.

Awesome Privacy

A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy.


An email sandbox service that's useful for automated testing or validating your HTML & CSS.

React Flow

A highly customizable React.js library for building node-based editors and diagrams.

Bravo Studio

A no-code tool to transform designs into fully functional iOS and Android apps.


An interactive programming language with dual visual and textual representations. Enso can use libraries from Java, JavaScript, R, and Python!


An open source web app for compressing and resizing images.


A design tool for creating 3D web experiences.


CodeTour is a VS Code extension which allows you to record and view guided walkthroughs of your code.


A no-code platform for building databases in an excel-like web interface. Essentially an open source alternative to Airtable.

Microsoft PowerToys

Microsoft PowerToys is a set of free utilities for users to customize and improve their Windows 10 experience. Some of its best features include a color picker, image resizer, and the ability to create custom snap zones.

Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages is a JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites. Unlimited sites, unlimited requests, unlimited bandwidth... wow!


A small thread on why JS devs might find Go interesting (this thread is not for Go devs, it is intentionally 101) 🧵


I'm not sure who needs to know this: But if you want to build a URL, or just get the parts of a URL, the `URL` object isn't half bad. (and it exists in both the DOM and Node).


How Spotify makes text on images more readable: a CSS linear-gradient overlay. More common these days, but still an effective technique for better color contrast.